Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Remember By

I finally made a blog and I'm really happy since it's something that will keep me busy and entertained. It's also good practice since I can't exactly remember the last time I've written anything that actually matters to me. It's usually the same bullshit; term papers, reflections on gabazillion movies we've watched in school and those over-used and abused essay questions you'd usually find at the bottom of exam papers. I wanna write something, anything, that fascinates or scares or amuses or thrills me. Maybe it's even sort of a reminder for me, the way I've been and how I want to be. 

I found this and this, this is exactly how I am after a rough day. I love it, it's right on the money. Usually, the day isn't even over yet and I would already be longing for a nap or a good read or even just a quick bath. And yes, even good ol' beer, definitely. Obviously, I've recently become quite acquainted with beer.

1 comment:

  1. start here... let the world know and keep a chin up... hoping to read more from you... an ice cold beer with the works for you... cheers! :)
